Sunday 18 December 2011

Bioshock Infinite Demo Download

Bioshock Infinite was announced on 12th August 2010, this game has taken nearly two years to finish. There has been countless amounts of trailers and screenshots showing how amazing the game actually looks. But recentlty there has been a Bioshock Infinite Demo Download. This demo will let you play the first hour of the game. It will give you a chance to expereince what the game actually feels like rather then just watching trailers over and over again. I know that there are many bioshock fans out there including me that have been waiting for this game for over a year and half now. This game is actually not a sequal or prequeal to any of the other previous Bioshock hames as fans thought it would be. Below you will be able to download the demo, check out the trailer for the game, see some exclusive upcoming screenshots of the game and check out the gameplay video that i made from the demo.

This game is taking place in the 1900's. The games events take place in 1912, in a city called Columbia that is suspended in air by gaint baloons and blimps. The chracter that you play is called Booker Dewitt, this chracter is a former disgraced agent that was dismissed for behavior that was not accepatble of the agency he was working at. Now Dewitt is hired by musterious individuals to actually infiltrate the air city and rescue a young womean named Elizabeth. This is where the games polt starts from. So far this game has got some outstanding remarks and is going to be one of the best first person shooters out in 2012. For a short while of time you can play the Bioshock Infinite Demo Download and check out the first part of the story line. This demo is avliable for PC, PS3 and Xbox 360, the instuctions on how to play it on every console are in the download. So make sure to read the instructions and the manual guide so you actually know how to install the game and what the controls are. If you have never played a Bioshock then i really think you should check it out because i know you will fall in love with this game just as i have and many other have.

Click the picture below to Download the Demo

Gameplay of Demo 
(This is the first 5 mins of the game, cut scenes were taken out to make sure it doesn't spoil any of the game for you)


Recent Screenshots of the Game